Excerpt Tour: Life On Your Terms

I’m happy to welcome author and life coach Tanya Russell. Today, Tanya shares her new release, Life on Your Terms.


What a shame it would be to come to the end of your life and look back and say, “That was it?”

Life on Your Terms is a practical blueprint for how to feel fulfilled while creating the life you imagine. No matter what situation you find yourself in today, there is a bright future waiting for you. Applying the skills and practices in this book will launch you to that place and beyond, faster than you ever imagined possible.

In this practical guidebook, the author compresses decades of lessons learned from her wins and failures as a businesswoman and single mother into actionable steps to achieve the life you truly desire. Once bankrupt but now financially free, her courage, faith and strong desire for something more for herself and her children have driven her to seek out ways to create exactly that.

Don’t live the same day every day and call it a life. Apply these foundational principles and rewrite your future today.


Money Mindset

I wish I could say I learned my lessons quickly but the pain of the loss of my dad and not having a good understanding of finances led me to make some foolish financial and life decisions. At 23 I filed personal bankruptcy. Life was not at all going as planned! So where does one go from there?

This was the beginning of my money mindset transformation. I had some basic knowledge and had read some books on the subject by this time, but I wasn’t following that advice. The trigger and major changes happened at two different seminars that I attended during my 20s.

The most powerful change occurred at a Jack Canfield event. I was sitting near the front, taking in everything he was saying about success. Then he began talking about being a millionaire. At that time, I had mounds of debt and no real plan on how I would ever get to millionaire status! I could barely comprehend the enormity of a million dollars, let alone believe I could attain it.

It was the following few minutes that changed my financial beliefs forever. He went on to ask the crowd what we might be willing to sell one of our kidneys for, or maybe a piece of our liver, and what we thought our left arm would be worth to an insurance company if we lost it in an accident. (FYI the average worker’s compensation benefits for losing an arm in the USA was $169,878 in 2015 according to a 2015 article in propublica.org.)

The final question was about how much we would sell our eyes for. I immediately thought, “There’s no way in a million years I’d sell my eyes for any amount of money!” At that very moment, my belief about myself and my financial value changed. I was already a millionaire! I had a set of eyes worth well over a million dollars to me. It was that small click in my brain that evening that launched me forward.

Believing in the possibility of being financially successful is the first step. Maybe this simple exercise changed your views as it did mine. Or is there some other belief about yourself and wealth that is holding you back?

Purchase Links

Amazon US | Amazon CA | Bookshop | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Smashwords | Kobo | Apple Books

Author Bio and Links

Tanya Russell is a successful multi-business owner and life coach. Her passions are her family, continued personal growth, and empowering others to live their very best lives. Tanya enjoys fast cars, motorcycles and travelling. She is currently enjoying the Okanagan lifestyle in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads


Tanya Russell will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Find out more here.

Follow Tanya on the rest of her Goddess Fish tour here.

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