Spotlight on The Edison Enigma

I’m happy to welcome author Thomas White. Today, Thomas shares interesting facts about the protagonist of his new release, The Edison Enigma.

Ten Interesting Facts about my Protagonist

Imagine if you will, a single point in time where the planet’s primary energy source is determined. Now, imagine that you have the ability to time travel and you go back and change that point in time. You have just altered history. That is exactly what Dr. Tom Edison, a modern-day physicist discovers when he unlocks the secrets of time travel. The Edison Enigma examines the possibility of the world living in an altered reality and how Dr. Tom Edison can go back in time and correct this egregious wrong.

Who is Dr. Tom Edison?

Dr. Tom Edison, no relation, is a modern day physicist who discovers the secret to time travel. He quickly learns that he was not the first to do so. Someone went back to 1904 and altered the original time line of the planet. He travels back to 1904 with the intention of correcting this wrong only to find himself the victim of fate.

What is Tom’s private life like?

Tom is a loner. He lives in Chicago and runs the Barrington Scientific Research Center. He is consumed by his work and has very little time for outside activities. He has a small group of friends outside of work although we never get to meet any of them. Mostly, he works, watches late night TV and goes to an occasional dinner. Sounds boring, I know.

Why is Tom so consumed with time travel?

The basic idea of going back in time, or forward for that matter, intrigues Tom for many reasons. In today’s world of ‘alternative facts’, knowing the truth is a very difficult thing. Being able to travel to the past would allow us the opportunity to investigate moments in history and correctly understand them. Who was on the grassy knoll? Did George Washington chop down the cherry tree. How did Hitler come to power. Bringing up that name introduces another whole aspect of the past. Can it be changed and more significantly, should it be changed? You stop Hitler from coming to power, you stop the holocaust. But in doing that you save 6 million people. How would that alter history? Quite a dilemma! Travel into the future would be seemingly so much more beneficial. Knowing the wrong paths to take could help us build a stronger and safer future for the world. But that in itself presents the same issues. Can we change the future and if we could, should we?

Is there always a paradox in every time travel story.

I have to say, yes. There have been some fine time travel stories but they always have a glitch. The wonderful movie, Somewhere In Time with Chris Reeves and Jane Alexander for example. (If you haven’t seen this, do it tonight!) Without going into great detail, ask yourself about the watch. Where did it originate? In any event, in The Edison Enigma I have tried to limit them and believe there is only one. I would appreciate a heads up if you find any. (No, I’m not going to tell you what it is.)

What adjustments does Tom experience living in 1904?

Mostly, Tom is surprised by how manageable life in 1904 is. Other than the modern conveniences of technology and the internet, it is a rather comfortable life. His imagination had it much more rustic. Many of the buildings from 1904 still exist in Chicago and Washington DC is he has a sense of connection with his own time.

Does Tom have a romantic side?

Being a workaholic in his own time, Tom found very little time for dating or personal involvements. However, once he goes back to 1904, fate takes him in a very different direction. He suddenly finds himself on an evening stroll with a very beautiful woman, something he would have never considered doing in his own time. He changes a great deal while in the past and it opens up a side of himself he had lost.

How concerned is Tom about altering the past?

Initially, Tom’s time travel theory was that the past is much more durable than people think. He doesn’t believe that you can alter the past, or create a butterfly effect. He believes that fate controls the destiny of things. But that is the one flaw in his theory and it opens an ugly can of worms. He is careful not to bring something to the past that wouldn’t have existed so for money he finds gold coins minted in 1903. He is able to trade them for cash. He wears a vintage suit and then buys more clothing once he has arrived. In his mind, he is not altering the past, he is correcting it and allowing the world to follow its original time line. There are no parallel universes in this story. The planet has one path and it was altered in 1904. Tom has to correct that error and put the world back on its intended time line.

What are the pitfalls of time travel?

The biggest pitfall of time travel is greed. Who wouldn’t want to invest $10,000 in Microsoft in 1977? Lottery numbers? One little jump to next week and you have them all. Back To The Future uses a sports almanac to get rich. But these are all single people gathering wealth for themselves and not really world changing events. What if big business had access? What about the past would they change to build their empire into the trillions of dollars? Maybe alter the world’s energy source to fit your commodities? Corner the food market? Own the internet? It would be a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands.

What is the biggest conundrum about Tom going into the past and changing it?

Dr. Lori Peletier, Tom’s partner on the time travel project, asks some very pertinent questions. If Tom goes into the past and corrects it, will the Time Machine even be here for him to return? Understanding that if Tom is successful, the present that he left will no longer exist. It will be a different present. Which brings up the question, would he have even been born and if he hadn’t been born how would he have discovered time travel in order to go back and change the past? Tom’s theory is simple, he does exist, so going into the past will not alter his condition. He will continue to exist. Anything he does in the past now becomes part of the past and will also exist moving forward. Coming back to an altered future however? Only time will tell.

What’s your favorite part of the novel?

Answering as the author, not the protagonist, the ending is my favorite part. So often the reader is left to imagine what happens to the main characters once the story is told. In my final chapter I have the pleasure of telling everyone what happened to each character. I find it very satisfying and touching at the same time.


Dr. Tom Edison, a Chicago physicist, manages to successfully transport an object through time. Almost immediately following this success Dr. Edison is shut out of the facility and told by benefactor Raphael Barrington, to take a vacation. He is contacted by Don Rivendell, a grizzled old man with a secret. Rivendell explains to Tom that he is not the first person to discover time travel. Someone else went back and changed history by saving a young girl from dying in an internal combustion engine explosion.

Dr. Edison is tasked with going back and fixing history. He travels back to 1904 to find the younger version of Rivendell and stop him from saving the girl.


Tom, Lori, and Jerzy entered the lab and stood on the landing, looking over the commotion. There was a hustle and bustle of frenetic activity as lab personnel moved from station to station, checking data, preparing modules, and entering critical information.

“Every time I come in here, I expect to see tables with bubbling test tubes and old, toothless women sweeping the floor,” Jerzy said.

Lori laughed. “Well, it would be hard to explain what bubbling test tubes have to do with this project, but I get your drift. We are kinda like Dr. Frankenstein with this whole thing.” Tom vaulted down the stairs and skipped to the control area on the opposite side of the room. He high-fived everyone he passed and crossed to an older, balding man with a semi-circle of gray hair around the fringe of his scalp. A short gray mustache covered most of his upper lip. The man had a slow gait caused mainly by forty straight hours on his feet. Tom hugged him.

“Bruce! This is it! I feel like tap dancing!”

“Well, I’ve put up with worse from you. We’re just running the final check-down now; almost complete. The data you just sent down is perfect.” Bruce had a New Jersey accent highlighted by a Yiddish lilt that caused his mustache to bounce when he spoke.

The retrofitting of the building was designed specifically for this project. Constructed like a sports arena with a high domed ceiling, the lab was ten thousand square feet open from wall to wall. Three levels encircled the room starting at the floor. Each subsequent level rose above the one below and contained a series of computer stations lined up like the NASA control room, collating, interpreting, or generating data. The entire room was connected, hardwired, and air-gapped to The Quint’s central motherboard. The Quint was the fastest and most potent AI computer known to man and contained the most significant elements of learned behavior and artificial intelligence. More significantly, it could determine and pinpoint a specific moment in time.

In the main staging area, in the center of the room, was the masterpiece of the entire project – The Time Tube. The Time Tube was a four-story, transparent tube made from indestructible acrylic conducive to energy absorption. As energy swirled through the Time Tube, it created the power needed for time travel. It stood 18’ tall with an eight-foot diameter. A raised platform ran halfway around and had six steps that led up to a full-size door allowing access to the Tube.

The lab’s roof was six stories high and supported a series of lighting instruments, air conditioning units, and safety mechanisms. Among the other things that lived in the ceiling was a series of tubing that wrapped around the room like a tornado and converged from the roof to the lab’s centerpiece. This series of tubing was called the Cyclone. Air was pushed through the Cyclone at incredible speeds, producing centrifugal force. That energy transitioned to Euler acceleration, creating a variation in the angular velocity. Theoretically, this opens a window in time and allows the object to pass through.

After years of research, study, and failed experimentation, Tom finally understood that time is, in fact, parallel, meaning that time moves through us rather than us moving through time. In essence, time is an ever-evolving moment. We move from one plane to the next as we move forever forward. The wonder is that it is infinite, never-ending, so we will never reach the edge of time as time continues to build moment next to moment. Once Tom accepted that theory, the means of moving through time began to evolve.

With enough energy, we can freeze ourselves in a moment, thus staying still as time moves on. The challenge became moving through thousands of moments to move back in time, or more accurately, let a specific moment of the past catch up to you. It had taken Tom and his crew almost five years to reach this point. They believed they could generate enough energy to move back and forth within their time sphere to moments that have happened or will happen and return to their own designated moment and survive.

One of the most daunting challenges the team had to overcome when sending something through time was having the entire entity arrive in the same moment. Any portion of an entity that arrived a millisecond later than any other part of that entity would be split in two by the paradox of time. Using an optical lattice clock allowed the team to calculate to a precise moment. When coordinated with The Quint, the top or bottom, front or back, the side to side of any entity would arrive at the same exact moment in time so as not to be split apart.
Subsequently, above the main control area, against the back wall, was the read-out of an optical lattice clock, accurate to one second every 400 million years. It was this technology that allowed Tom and his staff the ability to pinpoint a single moment in time. The optical lattice clock uses laser beams instead of atoms to calculate the second. The light from the laser excites the strontium atoms and increases the accuracy of determination of time.

With The Quint’s exceptional calculation ability, Tom could capture moments within a zeptosecond, one trillionth of a billionth of a second, targeting specific areas of history or periods of time, with phenomenal accuracy. Projecting these moments into the future would allow them to move forward in time as well. Theoretically, at least.

That theory would be tested this afternoon.

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Author Bio

Thomas White began his career as an actor. Several years later he found himself as an Artistic Director for a theatre in Los Angeles and the winner of several Drama-Logue and Critics awards for directing. As Tom’s career grew, he directed and co-produced the world tour of “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Coming Out Of Their Shells”. The show toured for over two years, was translated into seven different languages and seen by close to a million children. Tom served as President and Creative Director for Maiden Lane Entertainment for 24 years and worked on many large-scale corporate event productions that included Harley Davidson, Microsoft, Medtronic Diabetes, and dozens of others. The Edison Enigma is Tom’s third novel following up Justice Rules which was nominated as a finalist in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association 2010 Literary contest, and The Siren’s Scream.

Find out more about Thomas White here.

Listen and Course-Correct

On Wednesdays, I share posts, fables, songs, poems, quotations, TEDx Talks, cartoons, and books that have inspired and motivated me on my writing journey. I hope these posts will give writers, artists, and other creatives a mid-week boost.

In her empowering guide, Be Mighty, Jill Stoddard offers practical advice and support to women who struggle with stress and anxiety. Here’s a thought-provoking excerpt:

As you pilot your plane through life, despite a carefully crafted flight plan, the sky will get dark, the weather will get stormy, and a bird may even fly into your engine. Hijackers will show up, further attempting to steer you off course with their taunts: “Stop navigating toward health, self-care, and authenticity—you don’t deserve it, and who are you kidding, you can’t bear cravings or stress, you have no idea how to handle real problems.”

The hijackers have pushed your detonator, so now what! You could grab your pinot and pizza parachute, abandon your aircraft, and allow it to blow to smithereens. Or you could send a Mayday signal to air traffic control, turn up the volume on your headset, and listen for some wise guidance: “Remember the flyer you admire. Now hold the yoke steady and persevere through the turbulence; pull back with your determination and courage to climb above the storm. Your integrity is illuminating the runway.” Air traffic control—your values—will always be there, 24/7/365, to guide you and keep you on course through the roughest of conditions. All you have to do is listen and course correct.

Source: Be Mighty, p. 86

Blurb Blitz: Weston’s Lady

I’m happy to welcome award-winning author Bobbi Smith. Today, Bobbi shares her new release Weston’s Lady.


Come One! Come All!
To Weston’s Wild West Texas Stampede

There were Cowboys and Indians, trick riding, thrills and excitement for everyone. And if Liberty Jones had anything to say about it, she would be a part of the show, too. She had demonstrated her expertise with a gun by shooting a playing card out of Reed Weston’s hand at thirty paces, but the arrogant owner of the stampede wouldn’t even give her a chance.

Disguising herself as a boy, Libby wrangled herself a job with the show, and before she knew it Reed was firing at her—in front of an audience. It seemed an emotional showdown was inevitable whenever they came together, but Libby had set her sights on Reed’s heart and she vowed she would prove her love was every bit as true as her aim.


“Libby, if you’re unhappy, how will you convince the audience that you’re enjoying what you’re doing in the show? Tell me what’s wrong. Let me help you.”

Libby stared up at Reed, mesmerized by the emotion she saw in his expression. Were the tenderness and concern there real? She would have to trust him—but the realization stopped her cold.

Reed took a step closer. She looked so beautiful. She was like no other woman he’d ever met. True, she had deceived him by hiring on as a boy, but he understood now. Desperation had been driving her. There was something in her past terrible enough to frighten her into running away, and he wanted to save her from it. Reed felt an overwhelming need to take her in his arms. He knew he would protect her with his very life.

“Libby—” He reached out to her and drew her to him.

Libby wanted to believe Reed was a good and honorable man. As he enfolded her in his strong, warm embrace, she found herself wanting to lean against him and be safe.

His lips sought hers then, and she gasped at the contact so sweet and so powerful. His kiss was heavenly, and she gave herself over to the full pleasure of his touch. When he parted her lips and tasted her more deeply, she groaned in excitement. Desire coursed through her, and she clung to him, thrilling at his nearness.

Reed marveled at how perfectly she fit against him. It seemed as if they were made for each other.

Author Bio and Links

After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she's not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writers’ groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.

Website | Amazon Buy Link


Bobbi Smith will award a randomly drawn winner a $10 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card. Find out more here.

Follow Bobbi on the rest of her Goddess Fish tour here.

Joy in the Midst of Sorrow

On Wednesdays, I share posts, fables, songs, poems, quotations, TEDx Talks, cartoons, and books that have inspired and motivated me on my writing journey. I hope these posts will give writers, artists, and other creatives a mid-week boost.

Here’s a thought-provoking reflection from international speaker and bestselling author Joyce Meyer:

If you are experiencing emotional or physical pain—no matter how big or how small—it can seem overwhelming. But here is something to hold on to: a struggle or personal loss doesn’t have to overshadow every part of your life. You can still have joy even in the midst of sorrow.

Joy isn’t always extreme hilarity; sometimes joy is simply a calm delight. And you can delight yourself in God and in his promise to always be with you even when times are difficult—especially when times are difficult.

The key is to trust God. He knows what you’re going through, and if you trust Him, He will restore your joy. You may not see how it’s gong to work out or how you’re going to get over it, but know that God is in control, and He can do the impossible.

Source: Quiet Times with God by Joyce Meyer

Cover Reveal: Exiles

I’m happy to reveal the following cover…


In this final chapter, Ron’s story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael’s wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron’s journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022).

Author Bio and Links

Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.

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The author will award a $20 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card, an autographed copy of the book, or a dragonfly necklace to three randomly drawn winners. Find out more here.

Follow Louis on the rest of his Goddess Fish tour here.

Virtual Book Tour: Pursuit of Innocence

I’m happy to welcome author Bethany Rosa to my blog. Today, Bethany shares her new release, Pursuit of Innocence.


“I’m done waiting around. You’re mine. No more games or pining over someone else when it’s me you want. You won’t remember his name after I get through with you.”

Lily knows exactly what she wants in life. To graduate, land a high-paying job, and forge her own way. Nothing will distract her. Until the ultimate playboy, billionaire Sebastian Dubree, barges in. Not to be overlooked, Lily’s longtime crush, Jackson, decides she’s worth the fight.

Reluctant to succumb to either, she quickly becomes a challenge to conquer.

Lily must decide between the familiarity of her childhood longing or the newly discovered passion ignited by the dominant CEO. But can she surrender without losing herself in the process, or will someone take matters into his own hands?

Boundaries blur between desire and resistance in this gripping coming-of-age romance, leaving readers yearning for more.


“I hope you like champagne. I figured we could toast to our first date.”

“Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you? I was coming into this thinking it would be our only date. But yes, I love bubbly.” I laugh as I answer.

He opens the champagne, then fills our glasses as he responds. “I’m going to be honest. I have every intention of pursuing you unless you convince me with absolute certainty you’re not interested. And what comes out of your mouth versus what your body tells me are two very different things. I’ll be taking orders from the latter.” He hands me a glass of champagne, and I’m unsure how to respond, so I don’t.

He raises his glass. “Cheers, Lily, to seeing where this goes and enjoying the ride. I’m looking forward to showing you how enjoyable it can be.” We toast, and I take a sip of the most amazing champagne I’ve ever had.

Author Bio and Links

Bethany Rosa raised four amazing daughters before fulfilling her dream to become a writer. Her goal is to ignite passion in readers through her erotically charged stories. When not immersed in writing, Bethany finds joy in life traveling the world alongside her husband of 25 years. Home is divided between the mountains of Montana and the Arizona sunshine.

Website | Instagram | TikTok | Amazon Buy Link


A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card. Find out more here.

Follow Bethany on the rest of her Goddess Fish tour here.

Poltergeists and a New Release

I’m happy to welcome award-winning authors Catherine and Donald Hersh. Today, they share real-life poltergeist stories and their new release, Ghosts and Gardenias, Book 1 in the Haunting of Garnoa Road series.

Paranormal Encounters

As a young girl Catherine lived in an old house that had been subdivided into apartments, and her parents believed the apartment they lived in was haunted. Pictures and items would be moved to different places when they came home; a cousin saw a man standing at the foot of her bed one night; and when the neighbor’s children would call at the door for Catherine and her sister to come out and play, a man’s voice would answer saying, “They aren’t home.” Funny thing was, no one was home when kids came calling … except the ghost.

In another home where Catherine lived a murder had taken place years before. Her folks kept the scary information a secret from the children. While she lived in the house, Catherine had a recurring dream of a woman who appeared at her bedroom door and urged her to climb out the second story bedroom. Catherine would always awaken before she made it out the window. When the family moved, she mentioned her dream to her mother, who told her about the murdered woman. She had died at the top of the steps by the door to Catherine’s bedroom. Her mother believed the ghost of the woman was trying to kill Catherine and that if she had ever gone fully out the window she would have died. That dream, no matter how hard she tried to replicate it, has never occurred in any other home where Catherine has lived.

Caption: Westwood Town Hall (1971) photo by Donald Hersh

Catherine’s sister Carolyn lived in an apartment in the basement of Westwood Town Hall, in Cincinnati, Ohio, another reported hot spot for spooks. The town hall is reported to be haunted by the ghost of a former security guard who hung himself in the building after he was fired. Some resources say the ghost is known as Willy, others say his name is Wesley. There are many reports of stage sets, costumes and orderly things found in disarray. Water faucets turn on by themselves and locked doors are unlocked, lights turn off and on and children have reported seeing a man on the ground and in the building.

Carolyn and her husband were caretakers for the hall around 1971. “We had to clean the buildings,” Carolyn said, “and we would hear whispers around us.” Carolyn believes there is more than one ghost because of the multiple voices they heard. They would be in bed in their basement apartment of the town hall and could hear racket going on and what sounded like people bumping into the walls when they knew no one was there. “On one occasion we had to clean a room on the upper floor where a train group met. We could hear voices in the room and the door wouldn’t unlock. When we finally got the door open, there was no one inside.”

After Catherine’s sister learned the building was haunted she wouldn’t go into the main area by herself.

Can’t say that we blame her!

Now that we’ve thoroughly frightened ourselves by writing about all this spooky stuff at night, we think we’ll go double check the dead bolts, flip on all the lights, and look up some paranormal ghost busters … just in case.

Have you ever had any spooky, paranormal encounters?

While you think about that here’s the first book in our Haunting of Garnoa Road Series.


Susan Trowbridge is the victim of mistaken identity, trapped in the past by a ghost and a haunted wedding gown. To return home she must discover the identity of the ghost’s murderer. Can Susan stop the murder, or will history repeat itself, with her as the victim this time? And if she does stop the murder, must she return home and leave the man she has come to love?

Duncan Hawthorn is a man battling his own demons. But when Susan falls into his life, Duncan finds himself inexplicably attracted to a woman he thought he hated. Should he believe she is in danger? Should he believe her irrational claims that she is from the future? Either way, he realizes he will lose the woman who has become his salvation and his true love.

Buy Links

Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon AU

About the Authors

Putting words and stories on paper is second nature to award-winning co-authors C.D. Hersh. They’ve written separately since they were teenagers and discovered their unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s. As high school sweethearts and husband and wife, Catherine and Donald believe in true love and happily ever after.

They are looking forward to many years of co-authoring and book sales, and a lifetime of happily-ever-after endings on the page and in real life.

Website | Facebook | Amazon Author Page | Twitter

A long-time fan of the authors, I was delighted to learn they had written a time-travel romance. Intrigued from the start, I immediately connected with the protagonists—Susan Trowbridge and Duncan Hawthorn—and couldn’t read fast enough to discover what awaited them in this well-plotted novel. Several questions whirled in my mind: Would Duncan believe Susan’s outlandish story? Would Susan ever discover the identity of the person trying to kill her? And would she remain in 1879 or return to 2024? When I finished reading, I could only shake my head in amazement at the many unexpected plot twists and turns in this entertaining story.

Next, please!

Make Art That Tells the Truth

On Wednesdays, I share posts, fables, songs, poems, quotations, TEDx Talks, cartoons, and books that have inspired and motivated me on my writing journey. I hope these posts will give writers, artists, and other creatives a mid-week boost.

Writer Julie Duffy shared the following thought-provoking advice in a recent post on the Writer Unboxed blog:

It’s hard to take our eyes off the endless news coverage, but the world needs us to peel ourselves away from the outrage machine, and instead make art that tells the truth.

Fiction doesn’t have to preach a political message.

But even if you’re writing about fairies or aliens, fiction cannot help being political because everything you write reflects your values and mirrors your experiences.

Don’t be afraid of that.

And don’t think your writing doesn’t matter, because there are “more important issues right now.”

There is no more important issue that opening someone’s heart to subtlety, to nuance, to the fact that every human being contains multitudes and that it is possible to hold two opposing ideas inside you at the same time.

The Hamas attack on Israel was horrifying and the death toll and famine in Gaza is horrifying.

Two very old men are running to for a second term as President in the US and we have to elect one of them because that’s how the system works.

Some young women love Taylor Swift and have discovered that being part of the fandom for a football team is fun.

As a writer you help people to turn away from the shrieking “this or that” of social media and welcoming them into the complex world of fiction that deals with all the parts of being a human in community with other humans.

It is important work.

It is healing work.

Read the rest of the post here.

Blurb Blitz: Seven Days at Mannerly

I’m happy to welcome author Audrey Schuyler Lancho. Today, Audrey shares her new release, Seven Days at Mannerly.


The suitcase she found changed everything. The contents? An elegant dress and an invitation in another girl’s name. Twenty-three-year-old Mary would go to the ball, enjoy how the rich lived just for one night, and then quietly slip back into her real life, sorting rubbish as a poor barmaid. No harm done. Of course, there wouldn’t be much of a story to tell had it turned out that way.

It’s 1870 in rural England, and Mary assumes the identity of the suitcase owner, Agnes. When Mary’s one night at Mannerley estate turns into a seven-day, hilarious farce, she quickly makes friends, finds suitors, and keeps fibbing. Not only does Arthur, the heir himself, fall for her, but so, too, does Mr. Singh, his friend visiting from India, making advances in plain sight of the heir. Making matters worse, a former workmate recognizes Mary and extorts her: she must steal a golden watch from the heir for him or have her true identity exposed and risk being thrown in jail, which could mean death–and that would certainly ruin her stolen, er, borrowed ball gown.

The only way Mary can get close enough to Arthur to steal his watch is via sensuality and flirtation. But as Mary scrambles to cover her tracks, her lies and crimes compound, weaving themselves into an impossible tangle. All the while Agnes, the real owner of the fancy ball gown, is making her way ever-closer to Mannerley.


She swung the door open, pocketing her key, and grabbed the corner of her dress and held it to walk. Arthur was standing a short way off by the stairs where he had been waiting for her, every golden hair perfectly combed. His pocket watch’s chain glistened on his vest in the lamplight. He heard her and turned to face her.

“Your hair. It’s wild.”

“I’m sorry, I slept too long.”

“I like it,” he said almost too quietly, a bit raspy, and she took his arm. Once again, she was his object, and she didn’t know quite what to make of it.

Author Bio and Links

Audrey has always written stories. Her very first picture book which she wrote in early elementary school was about a mean, grumpy tooth fairy. Her first “novel”, bound using a cardboard cereal box, was written in the fourth grade. By high school, she was writing secret novels of her own, usually naming her characters by her own initials. By her twenties, she knew that writing was her calling––and she’s so glad you’re reading her debut romance!

Audrey lives in North Carolina with her Spaniard husband and two young sons, is completely bilingual in Spanish, and enjoys church, crochet, jigsaw puzzles, time with friends, yoga, and funny movies. She’s a freelance fiction editor on Upwork, an editor at a literary agency. She also writes contemporary romance under the name Audrey Lancho. Her debut contemporary is due out in May 2025 from Harpeth Road. You can learn more about Audrey by visiting and signing up for her newsletter––she promises not to spam you; she’ll just inform you of big happenings and new releases. Audrey also enjoys connecting with readers and other authors on X/Twitter and Instagram (@audreylancho).

Website/Newsletter | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Upwork (editorial services) |


The author will award a $20 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Find out more here.

Follow Audrey on the rest of her Goddess Fish tour here.